Well, it happened. 2008 came and left in a hurry. As I went about treating the day as any other normal day, I started to become conscious that today was the first step into 2009. Maybe slightly superstitious but i thought that perhaps anything that ocurred today would set the precedence or standard for the rest of the year.
So I made it a point to do some art, as I didn't think a year without art would go down well... I listened to something on my ipod that was good for the soul, I didn't snack on account of my ongoing diet... tried to stay out of trouble as i often do... all up I had a pretty good day. So here's hoping for all, a great year with good intentions.
There was an invitation on Misty Mawn's site to work on our own art journal for 2009 . I hadn't worked on my own art journal before and thought what a great idea to compile a book of mixed media art with journalling... so I started my cover page today. I am naming my Art journal "The Story of the Nameless and the Name'. Have no idea what else is going into the journa
l but here's what I've done today.
It's all paint, finger painting too.. i did try to do a gel medium transfer but it failed... LOL.. oh well...
Happy New Year everyone!
So I made it a point to do some art, as I didn't think a year without art would go down well... I listened to something on my ipod that was good for the soul, I didn't snack on account of my ongoing diet... tried to stay out of trouble as i often do... all up I had a pretty good day. So here's hoping for all, a great year with good intentions.
There was an invitation on Misty Mawn's site to work on our own art journal for 2009 . I hadn't worked on my own art journal before and thought what a great idea to compile a book of mixed media art with journalling... so I started my cover page today. I am naming my Art journal "The Story of the Nameless and the Name'. Have no idea what else is going into the journa

Happy New Year everyone!
And a very Happy New Year to you too Sulea.
What a haunting picture you have painted.
very lovely, very haunting, i love it. thanks for sharing, wanda
That is so amazing that you did this by finger painting. Very impressive. Unique..
xoxo Nita
Good for you to be prompted by Misty's challenge.Grand to find something to inspire you and light the fire in your belly.
Super art my lovely and the title married it beautifully.
Thankyou for sharing
Although there are differences in content, but I still want you to establish Links, I do not know how you advice!
Beautiful Sulea. And here's to an artful year for you!
Although there are differences in content, but I still want you to establish Links, I do not know how you advice!
Cargo Net
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